
Contacts and bookings

We are always available for your requests

Address :

Via Nigido, 5-7

City :

95041 Caltagirone (CT) - ITALY

Phone :

(+39) 0933.334737

Mobile phone :

(+39) 338.6114590

Email :

Check in :

15.00 - 23.30

Check-Out :

from 08.00 to 10.00

Anyway, we recommend you to comunicate the estimated time of arrival at least by the morning of the same day, in particular if it’s expected after 5.00 pm


Reservations can be made in the following ways:
  • Telephone or e-mail: in these cases the reservation is considered completed and concluded when the customer sends a copy of the deposit payment by bank transfer
  • On-line: it is possible to book through Booking

Terms of payment:

  •  Cash
  • ATM
  • Credit cards
  • Bank transfer


In case of cancellation of the reservation by the Customer, the following conditions are observed:
  • Up to the 15th day before the start of the stay, the deposit paid will be returned immediately.
  • From the 14th to the 8th day before the start of the stay, 50% of the deposit paid will be retained.
  • From the 7th to the 1st day before the start of the stay, 100% of the deposit paid will be retained.